Category Sport and Solidarity
The Italian rugby is also him, with his “Braveheart” hair. With that strong body which well represents the role of “shaft” where the opponents’ offensives are to be smashed. Born in Argentina, he left the Estudiantes at the age of 20 . Since then, both Italy and England had wanted him but in the end his heart chose the Italian national team where he counts more than having participated a hundred times. The All Blacks, against who he made his international debut for the Italian National Team, must have handed over in the Haka a peculiar quality. He is combative, determined, he is the oval ball’s man, in the full meaning, but outside the pitch he is extremely reserved and humble. It is precisely this picture of good giant shown by the media which made him a famous figure. An image in which open-heartedness made of reserve is a deliberately hidden quality. What about the results? Those obtained so far are just a modest part of those of tomorrow. But what results? No one is excluded for such an extraordinary and smiling warrior.