

Category Fair Play and Health

“O Captain! My Captain!”, the one who most participated in the national volleyball teams, 524 times with the Italian shirt, Eleonora has obtained the gold medal in the World Championships, in the European Championships, in the World Cup and in the Grand Champions Cup. Then, she has won the silver and bronze medals in the European Championships and in the World Grand Prix. Her career started in 1984 in Omegna and now it continues far away along the Bosforo where she has become the icon player of the Galatasaray. Eleonora is a self-confident and thoughtful person as required by her role and she owns that inventiveness essential to her role as a setter. Human qualities go hand in hand with the technical ones but they perfect themselves when the champion has to cope with the everyday life and this was arduous and disloyal to her but she was able to defeat it. Thus, the clouds of January 2011 were blown away by someone who has always lived as a representative of the Italian nation.